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Islamic lessons at Omar Kampong Melaka Mosque as resumed after the year-long renovations of the mosque. Please refer to the calendar below.

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Maulid 2010

The Tariqah Ahmadiah Idrisiah was established by Sayyid Ahmad bin Idris radhiAllahu 'anhu in the early 19th century (1835). It was then continued by his second successor Sayyid Ibrahim ar-Rasyid radhiAllahu 'anhu (1872) and his third, Sayyid Muhammad ad-Dandarawi radhiAllahu 'anhu (1907).

Tariqah Ahmadiah is a relatively new Tariqah, given the fact that Sayyid Ahmad ibn Idris radhiAllahu 'anhu was from the 19th century. Even so, the Tariqah still has many followers all over the world.

There are a few features about the Tariqah which makes it attractive;

  • Tariqah Ahmadiah was established by 3 saints who have reached the station of Qutb, having met the Prophet sallAllahu 

'alaihi wasallam in person and received the Tariqah from him.
  • It has 3 main wirid with countless benefits, ie. At-Tahlil, As-Sholawatul 'Azhamiah, Al- Istighfar Al-Kabir
  • There are no heavy prerequisites, eg. to be in khalwah, to fast, prior to becoming an Ikhwan; Islam and Iman would suffice.
  • Those who are consistent with this Tariqah would insyaAllah be safe from the devil’s whispers during the throngs of death.


(an extract from the book 'Faraidul Maatsaral Marwiah' written by al-Marhum Tuan Shaykh Ahmad bin Muhammad Sa'id radhiAllahu 'anhu, was published in 1935, after he realised there was a great interest in the Tariqah Ahmadiah by the muslim community in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The height of interest was when the Khalifah of Tariqah Ahmadiah at that time was al-Marhum Shaykh Abdullah bin Shaykh Al Hajj Muhammad Sa’id radhiAllahu 'anhu (The second Khalifah to take leadership of Tariqah Ahmadiah after his father Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id radhiAllahu 'anhu passed away. Shaykh Abdullah bin Shaykh Al Hajj Muhammad Sa’id passed away in 1957), was summoned to the palace by King al-Marhum Burhanuddin to give clarification about the validity of the way of Tariqah Ahmadiah.

The author is the son of the first Khalifah who first brought the tariqah to South East Asia, Shaykh Muhammad Sa'id bin Jamaluddin radhiAllahu 'anhu - passed away in 1926).


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